Air Barriers
W. R. MEADOWS 24 in. x 75 ft AIR-SHIELD™ Self-Adhering Air/Vapor and Liquid Moisture Barrier
AIR-SHIELD™ self-adhering air/vapor and liquid moisture barrier is a roll-type product that is nominally 40 mils thick. The membrane’s controlled thickness is fabricated from cross-laminated polyethylene bonded to specially modified asphalt. This unique, self-adhesive membrane, protected by a special release paper, is strong and durable. It remains flexible when surface mounted and will adhere to most primed surfaces at minimum temperatures of 40° F (4° C). The membrane provides excellent protection as a tough barrier that won’t shrink, sag, dry out, crack, or rot. It offers excellent resistance to punctures during installation. AIR-SHIELD can also be used as a transition membrane to provide protection against water infiltration in critical detail areas, such as window and door openings, deck-to-wall intersections, corner boards, wall-to-wall tie-ins, foundation sill plates, sheathing panel seams, under stucco finishes, masonry walls, and other non-roof detail areas. AIR-SHIELD provides an effective barrier to air exfiltration and infiltration, reducing condensation within the wall assembly, and increasing efficiency of a building’s mechanical system. AIR-SHIELD is suitable for cavity walls, masonry walls, precast concrete, cast-in-place concrete, interior and exterior gypsum board, Styrofoam, primed steel, drywall and plywood.
Place your order today! 1-800-829-8228 or 651-905-1500
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20 in. x 75 ft AIR-SHIELD Self-Adhering Moisture Barrier