Mason Lime
50 lb Western Miracle Type S Dolomitic Hydrated Masonry Lime
Western Miracle Lime is Type S (Special) Dolomitic Hydrated Lime is a fine, white powder produced by calcining high purity dolomitic limestone, followed by pressure hydrating and milling the lime. When mixed with Portland cement, sand, and water, Western Miracle Type S Lime is the key ingredient in the mixing of highly plastic workable mortar needed for durable, water resistant masonry. The capacity of a masonry mortar to retain satisfactory workability under the influence of masonry unit suction and evaporation rate depends on the water retentivity and setting characteristics of the mortar. Lime based mortars exceed minimum requirements for water retention and thus contribute to greater workability and plasticity. This enables the mortar to be spread easily into the cracks and crevices of the masonry units. Type S Dolomitic Hydrated Masonry Lime meets ASTM C207 and is available in 50 pound bags.
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